Ticket Writing

Unlimited Pricing Flexibility

The foundation of any reliable Point-of-Sale (PoS) system is to supply accurate and consistent pricing every time a customer returns to your store. Familiarity breeds trust-worthiness.

  • Unlimited price lists. Dedicate a price list to unique customers.
  • ‘Freeflow’ feature allows you to describe and price on the fly.
  • ‘No Value’ feature caters for that tailoring repair charge or cleaning item that cannot priced at the counter.

We guarantee that it won’t be missed.

  • Unlimited upcharges and item descriptions are easily allowed for.

Cater for Designer Labels, custom fabrics and colours,

  • Memo messages can be personalised for specific customers.ertips.

Notes & Messages

With DCCS, you can attach a standard message or create your own using our Ticket Note feature.

  • Memo messages can be permanently setup by account to appear on the screen and/or print on the Ticket to reflect specific customer preferences.
  • Fabric disclaimers can be assigned to those items that may be at risk during the cleaning process.

Coupons & Discounts

Coupons and Discounts can be restricted to application at Ticket Writing only, and/or later on at Pickup.

  • You can apply dollars off, percentages and assign an expiration date.
  • DCCS Bar coded coupon program allows you to automatically issue coupons based upon sales volume or customer visits.

 Management reports let you know the effectiveness of the campaign so you can make better informed decisions about future promotions.

This is an example of DCCS’s powerful Menu concept of pricing. Any of the Product, Color and Fabric keys can be turned into a multiple choice selection of descriptions. This gives you and your staff the opportunity to face each and every pricing situation with ease, confidence, consistency and accuracy. You are Unlimited in the quantity of your descriptions and the depth of your Menus